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Moku:Lab Lock-in Amplifier (LIA) Version 1.9.1 Update

A guide to setting up Moku:Lab’s LIA after the latest firmware update

In the new iPad app version 1.9.1, the dynamic range and dynamic reserve have been significantly improved for the LIA. A digital gain option is no longer required for most measurements. In this document, we will walk through how to get the exact same result after the 1.9.1 update.

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In the new iPad app version 1.9.1, the dynamic range and dynamic reserve have been significantly improved for the LIA. A digital gain option is no longer required for most measurements. This update affects how the LIA is configured if digital gains are used previously. In this document, we will cover how you adjust the LIA settings for the 1.9.1 update.

Step 1: Increase the Output Gain

If you previously had +24 dB or +48 dB of gain on the input, you can now achieve the same result by increasing the output gain by this amount. In X/Y mode, this is the only change required. If you are using polar (R-Theta) mode, move on to Step 2.

Figure 1: iPad App version 1.9.0

Figure 2: iPad App version 1.9.1

Step 2: Adjust the Rect-Polar Conversion Range

In polar mode, the rectangular-to-polar conversion range allows you to optimize the signal processing for best performance. Three ranges are available: 2 Vpp, 7.5 mVpp and 25 μVpp. Optimal performance is achieved by choosing the smallest range which can accommodate your signal without saturating.

Figure 3: 2 Vpp conversion range

Figure 4: 7.5 mVpp conversion range

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