Application notes

Part 6: PID controllers. Understanding PID parameters and modeling digital PID controller instrumentation
Featuring: PID Controller

Part 5: Troubleshooting the effects of saturation over a wide range of frequencies
Featuring: PID Controller, Laser Lock Box

Part 4: Learn to tune the controller transfer function to modify an open-loop transfer function
Featuring: PID Controller, Frequency Response Analyzer

Part 3: Perform frequency domain analysis of control loops to understand stability and delays.
Featuring: PID Controller

Part 2: Perform frequency domain analysis of control loops to understand stability and delays.
Featuring: PID Controller

Part 1: Perform frequency domain analysis of control loops to understand stability and delays.
Featuring: PID Controller

Frequency-domain control: The ultimate guide to feedback and control loops
Featuring: PID Controller

Learn why jitter affects the accuracy of time measurements, and how to mitigate it with linear interpolation
Featuring: Time & Frequency Analyzer, Moku:Pro

Analyze quantization noise and noise bandwidth with the Moku Lock-in Amplifier and Oscilloscope
Featuring: Moku:Pro, Oscilloscope, Lock-in Amplifier