
MEMS characterization
and testing


Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) require painstaking testing and validation, especially since performance inconsistencies are common with these devices. But with the right tools for verification, you can streamline MEMS integration and design while ensuring peak performance.

MEMs (Micro-electromechanical systems) testing lab setup

MEMS characterization checklist

Download the checklist to walk through several key MEMS tests and instructions to complete them with Moku.

A test platform you can rely on

Moku devices integrate a full suite of instruments crucial for prototyping custom designs, analyzing the response of devices, and measuring resistance to noise and interference. Whether the MEMS device is optical, acoustic, or mechanical, Moku has the instrument to test it, from optical instrumentation like a Phasemeter and Lock-in Amplifier to common test essentials like an Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, and Waveform Generator. Thanks to the software-defined, multi-instrument platform, it’s easy to integrate custom algorithms into your experiment.

Seamless lock-in detection

Lock on to the resonant frequency of your MEMS device to extract signal information, especially when dealing with poor signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs).

Stable feedback control

The Moku PID Controller enables enhanced digital feedback control and stability. Adjust parameters and view results in real time to optimize closed-loop control.

Comprehensive API support

Eliminate analog noise and automate test processes with robust API support and the RESTful API framework, meaning you’re free to use Python, LabVIEW, MATLAB, and more to automate your MEMS tests.

Eliminate analog noise in your test setup

By using a fully digital suite of instrumentation, you can eliminate noise issues associated with analog components. Deploy digital PID Controllers for enhanced feedback control, whether you need to control a MEMS-based motor, control temperature for reliable environmental testing, or maintain another set point essential for MEMS testing or operation.

Engineered for demanding applications. Like yours.

With Moku:Pro, you have access to multiple pieces of advanced instrumentation in one device. Deployed standalone or in Multi-instrument Mode, the Lock-in AmplifierFrequency Response Analyzer, and Arbitrary Waveform Generator cover applications such as:

• Optical MEMS development, such as in adaptive optics
• MEMS-based beam steering in free-space optical communications (FSOC)
• Gyroscope and accelerometer testing
• Biotechnology MEMS devices like pressure sensors

Advanced MEMS testing with one versatile platform

We continually update our software with new features, so your Moku device gets better over time. Check out our latest upgrades for Moku:Lab, Moku:Pro, and Moku:Go to unlock the Moku Neural Network, improve the capabilities of multiple software-defined instruments, and support a broader range of use cases for closed-loop control systems, spectroscopy, laser frequency stabilization, and more.

Lab setup with two Moku:Pro's

Compare hardware

Explore Moku hardware options. Compare the instrument specs to choose the right device for your application.

Moku hardwaare platforms side by side: Moku:Go, Moku:Pro, and Moku:Lab

About Liquid Instruments

Liquid Instruments delivers modern, software-defined test and measurement solutions that provide advanced capabilities, a great user experience, and custom programmability for maximum flexibility and performance in a range of applications.